Thank you for your interest in Beresford Montessori. As educators, we know how important it is that you find the right school for your child - a school that you can trust and one that exceeds your expectations for educating him or her. We strive to provide a safe environment for our children and a place for them to be nurtured, loved, and encouraged to learn.
Beresford Montessori has been serving our community since 1992. We were founded in San Mateo and expanded into Redwood City in 2003. We are affiliated to the American Montessori Society (AMS). Our school is also accredited by NAEYC, the national association for the education of the young child.
Our teachers are carefully selected for their educational backgrounds and loving personalities. They have completed formal education and are certified by the American Montessori Society. We encourage our teachers to keep abreast of current research and teaching methods so they can incorporate their learning into their classroom. We have high expectations both for our teachers and our students.
Beresford Montessori offers a quality year round preschool and kindergarten program in a loving and nurturing environment. Along with this, we also offer an afternoon Spanish immersion program and fun summer camps taught and directed by our highly qualified year round teachers.
Beresford offers a half day or full day program. Our hours of operation are from
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Our San Mateo site offers a Spanish Immersion program from
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. during the school year.
We invite you to schedule a tour and to come to observe one of our classes at either school.
Karina Garcia - Barbera PhD
School Director
Chu Chen Huang M.Ed.
Site Director Redwood City
Ana Cardenas
Site Director San Mateo